Q) When and where can we turn in our application?

A) Completed applications must be hand delivered to the Festival Office located at 303 N. Lemon Street on or before 12P.M. Friday November 10, 2017.



Q) How old do I have to be to?

A) Sixteen years of age, at least a high school junior but cannot be more than twenty years of age as of March 1, 2018 


Q) What does my grade point average have to be?

A) 3.0 weighted Grade Point Average


Q) Is it expensive?

A) The application fee is $25.00


Q) Is orientation mandatory?

A) Yes,  However dates are to be announced.


Q) Do my parents have to be present?

A) Yes, applicant must be accompanied by a parent or guardian


Q) Will there be a notary at orientation?

A) Yes


Q) Do I live in the correct area to be in the pageant?

A) Please see page 2 of the application or if you are still unsure please contact us for clarification.


Q) If I was a court member can I participate  in the pageant again?

A) No